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Additional questions for the Initial Work Plan

1. Analyse my old works. Identify the relationship between the physical and the digital.

2. … visitor in the studio and he said something like - “yes, you can’t trust the news, but art cannot lie.” Is this really like that?

3. Is it possible to consider the physical and digital as a conflict, because they are fighting for dominance over information?

4. why doesn't anyone ask about the reliability of the only state-controlled channel?

5. to what extent is the physical original unimportant? When we focus only on the digital world and the art world, it is indeed possible that a copy will have equal value with the original. But when we talk about real life instead of the digital world, it is important to understand that the original is the basis. What about the physical death of people in Ukraine from Russian bombing? Relations between propaganda and ethics. What can preserve the principle of the value of human life from propaganda? The ordinariness of death in the media (culture of family bloody films) and the relationship with real death.

6. It turns out that flat representation is not in conflict with flat. The conflict arises between 2D (flat) and 3,4D (real world). This suggests that the physical and digital in this case cannot exist together - one always will be only half true. Then how can I believe in the existing three-line image? This is probably what my mother is talking about - that the photos from Bucha are fake.

7. …to come up with an alternative, truthful language for communication in the media space?Is everything digital manipulated? Is there something in digital representation that would indicate only representation and not manipulation?! In other words, how can one communicate in the digital world and at the same time be sure that this is not propaganda and manipulation of my opinion? If art has always been recognized as an independent/altermative language of society, is there any art that would clearly say, I am physical object and at the same time you see me through the digital I am true in the physical? For example, like the Lumière brothers when their first motivation was a simple representation of the physical? Or have they already manipulated our vision because they have chosen the object to display?

8. Different perspectives. As art historian Fabrice Hergott writes in Kiaer’s 2020 monograph, Endnote, tooth: ‘He makes us experience the presence of death in existence, and the presence of life in what no longer exists.’ [online] At: 20.12.2023) In the next test, I will try to apply his developments in relation to paintings and sculptures and the space between them.

9. A negative experience in the understanding of Catharsis leads to the purification of the viewer, which still needs to be analyzed further in the bibliography. The question arises: how is it verified that the audience has become better? Tears? Powerful emotions? And to transform into “best self,” does one need a negative emotion, or will the world also become better from the beautiful? Broken Windows Theory

10.But what is beauty and aesthetics - if they are different for everyone? for me, aesthetics in art, and in everything else, is a combination of qualities and aspects to evaluate a particular area.

11.Work through my statements. The basic hypothesis I wish to state is if modern art were widespread and its goal was to engage in dialogue with the viewer or at least not to lose the connection with him, we could get an audience adapted to critical thinking - citizens that would not support war and aggression. The task of my research is to search for something aesthetic and progressive that can establish a connection with those who completely renounced modern art or did not even approach it and found themselves in cognitive dissonance while supporting the war. --- For whom is the artist creating this modern art now? “-It's ugly and not aesthetically pleasing!” This relationship between the viewer and the artist or art community can be seen as a conflict.

12. Possible topics for elaboration and representation:

a. COGNITIVE DISSONANCE draws attention to the problem of two worlds - life and war, and indicates the impossibility of the existence of two conflicting concepts of life and death

b. defence and attack

c. book 80 Methods of Influencing Opinion…

d. conflict of ethics in the same society

e. People want the Russians to win and... take the phenomenon to its limits – what will happen? Will they be happier and better?

13. Is it possible to build a new reality using propaganda methods?

New Timing Plan

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